There is something magical about pale skin. Perhaps it has some sort of supernatural power to attract your attention and grip it tightly. Some are born with this attractive complexion while others develop it with treatments. There are plenty of treatments that can help you to gain a paler complexion; some home remedies, others cosmetic treatments. In these treatments you often make a trade-off; ones which offer quick results have side effects and those which do not have side effects often work slowly. So, you must make a careful decision after collecting necessary information.
Bleaching facial body hair is the most frequently used method to achieve a paler complexion. In fact, bleach does not change the color of your skin rather, it takes out the natural color of your hair so they become less noticeable and your complexion appears paler. You can use a bleach cream as many are available off-the-shelf or you can prepare it at home. Apply bleach cream all over the unwanted hair and wash it with cool water after 10 minutes. Your hair would appear dyed in a much lighter tone and your skin would appear paler and clearer. This complexion last for about 2 to 6 weeks.
If you are using a ready to use bleach cream, make sure that it matches your skin type. Ideally a bleaching cream should give you a tingling sensation but not discomfort. If you feel burning or pain in the treated are, wash it immediately with cool water.
Pros and cons of bleaching
Pros of bleaching are
· It is a fast and easy treatment that makes your unwanted hair less noticeable and gives you a paler complexion. You can bleach large areas of your body in a single go.
· It does not cause pain or ingrown hair.
Some issues associated with bleaching are
· It makes your unwanted hair less noticeable but it does not remove them. However, if you stand in front of direct sunlight or in a bright room, these hair become conspicuous, at one.
· Bleaching cream does not suit all. There is a possibility that it harm your skin.
· It is not a permanent solution. Once the dyed color disappears, your hair regain their old color and appearance.
· Paler complexion that you achieve is quite short lived and vanishes soon.
Bleaching precautions
Bleaching your skin is not a tough or complex activity. However, you must keep these things in your mind while bleaching your hair.
· Different skin types respond differently to a same bleach cream so, you must run a patch test first. Apply a little bleach cream on your arm and wait for ten to fifteen minutes and then wash it off. See if it has caused irritation or redness on your arm. Wait for 24 hours and see if it does not show any side effect and then apply it on your face, arms and legs.
· Do not bleach on sensitive skin areas like near eyes, inside nose, on scar tissues or warts. Do not even think to bleach sunburned, chapped, irritated, inflamed, freshly tweezed, shaved or scrubbed skin. Bleaching such areas is no way safe.
· Do not bleach skin areas where you use any cream or ointment having retin A, alpha hydroxy or glycolic acid.
· Keep bleaching products away from heat and fire. Store them in a cool, dry place. Do not use a metal spoon or bowl to take out or apply bleach.
· You must guard yourself from the direct sunlight for at least 24 hours.
· Do not use bleach on your scalp hair which is intended for facial use.
Bleaching makes your skin tone lighter. But you must be careful while bleaching your skin because, if not properly used, it may harm your skin. Yo can also go to a spa or a parlor to have your skin bleached.
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